Read my endorsement statements from members
I first met Ed Wilson N2XDD at NEARFEST in October of 2023. He was very personable and relatable right at our first interactions. We continued to chat over time, and he made an appearance as Vice Director at the time at our club's Winter Field Day 2024 and Field Day 2024 in June. It was very nice to see the leadership stop up to our club at the far northern part of the Hudson Division, and have that face to face, and to see a club event in person in the division is a real positive piece in leadership, I feel.
Ed's work engaging the youth into the hobby is also a great thing for amateur radio to progress forward! I know that as Director of the ARRL Hudson Division, Ed will continue his ongoing missions to engage the youth into the hobby, while still keeping the hobby open, fun and available for all.
Adam Koeble - KD2YFY
Warren County Radio Club President
I planned a wacky contest during the early COVID days which used APRS to promote safe social distancing while driving over all the Hudson River Valley bridges. Little did I know at the time, some guy named Ed N2XDD from Long Island was really interested in participating in this contest by driving around the mysterious Hudson Valley area of New York.
This is how I came to know Ed and we became friends before he set out for a marathon road trip to not only get the MTA funded special bridge stickers, but to also win an official HVDN hooded sweatshirt. We eventually met up in person and chatted while walking over the amazing Walkway Over the Hudson.
Fast forward from that story to 2021 when USMA was planning a triathlon and Nolan N2WU's plan to try something called APRStt, which eventually got covered in the July 2023 issue of QST magazine. Ed again made a trip up here to the Hudson Valley and got to meet many people who are involved in the ENY section of the ARRL Hudson Division. Ed kept learning about all the cool things we are doing up here, causing him to put even more miles on his vehicle. It also motivated me to also go back to Long Island where I grew up to help Ed and the others with monitoring checkpoints in the Suffolk County marathon.
My goal was to keep this brief, but these are three of many stories which shows how committed Ed has been to other aspects of amateur radio and making the public aware of what we can do with our spectrum and skills. This is all way beyond HF spectrum and contesting which dominates the brains of many in this hobby. Ed has shown how amazing he is at connecting folks to others with similar interests, most recently while we were both at the HamXposition in Massachusetts where many of us got together to keep talking about actions which will help move this hobby towards modern relevance since the general public is not always amazed with "but I can talk to Japan on my ham radio from my basement using a huge antenna". I am not saying that certain areas of the hobby are not interesting to me, but we need to do things in public that change the mindset of the next generation to get interested in amateur radio, no matter what form it takes.
These are some reasons why Ed N2XDD will make a great director of the ARRL Hudson Division because he shares the same future vision for our great hobby along with more examples like his involvement with M17 Project, STEM related projects in Staten Island schools, the Tesla Science Center in Suffolk County, HOPE conference and so many other things. I believe in Ed and that he will represent where I want to see this great hobby head. Please consider voting for him in the upcoming ARRL election.
Steve Bossert - K2GOG
I find Ed very in-tune with the current state of Amateur Radio having a pulse on what matters to new and old hams alike. Ed ensures all voices are heard whether as Vice Director for the Hudson Division or as an overall ambassador for Amateur Radio whether as mentor/trainer, social media advocate, or reaching out to other communities of interest. He is a clear communicator with a leadership style that inspires collaboration among all he engages. I wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Wilson to be the next Director for the Hudson Division.
Joe Cupano - NE2Z
Ed Wilson, N2XDD is a staple in the community and a huge proponent for amateur radio. Ed’s enthusiastic approach has been welcomed and appreciated by all. Ed has traveled all over the Hudson Division participating in as many amateur radio events as possible for as long as I can remember. Not only is Ed the Vice President of the Suffolk Country Radio Club but he is also a dedicated member of Suffolk County ARES. Ed is always willing to help the community during any type of crisis which is a reflection on his many years of civil service as a dedicated police office. Now retired Ed’s focus is now geared to helping others explore the hobby of amateur radio. Ed also has a passion for new technology which helps to propel him to the front and experiment with these new technologies. As a Volunteer Examiner Ed is helping to push for paperless exams which in turn helps to streamline the licensing process for individuals either obtaining their license for the first time or those that are upgrading. Ed is truly passionate about amateur radio, anyone that has ever spoken with him can tell that he wants to spread the word and educate as many as he can about amateur radio.
Best Regards,
Robert Schoepfer - KD2TRG
Vice President BNLARC, VE, ARRL Instructor
I wish to congratulate Ed Wilson, N2XDD, in his new role as Hudson Division director and wholeheartedly endorse Ed for election to continue in this role. I cannot think of a better candidate to lead the Hudson Division into the future. Now retired from a long and proud career in law enforcement, Ed works tirelessly on forward-looking projects such as the open-source M17 project - a digital mode for VHF and UHF. He has championed the ARRL Education and Technology program to get schools involved mentoring young prospective hams. Ed's energy, optimism, and positivity are evident at the numerous club meetings where he speaks. His enthusiasm is contagious. I urge you to cast your vote for Ed in the upcoming election to help secure the future of Amateur Radio for us and for the generations to come.
73 de KC2KY,
Neil Heft - KC2KY
President, Radio Central ARC
Ed Wilson , N2XDD, Hudson Division Director, should be elected for the upcoming term.
I know Ed for a long time and he always fielding questions and talking amateur radio to everyone.
He is a young guy that has a lot of energy to give. Some examples are : Rejuvenating ARES in Brookhaven. He got his own club, Suffolk County Radio Club excited about amateur radio with different programs and events. He was instrumental with Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, and their teacher, Everton Henriques, KD2ZZT, in teaching STEM at Staten Island Technical High School along with assisting many kids in getting their amateur radio licenses. Ed is a big credit to the NLI Section as well as the Hudson Division.
Jim Mezey - W2KFV
Section Manager, NYC / Long Island
Ed Wilson N2XDD is a natural connector, constantly putting people and projects together inside and out of the amateur radio community. He’s clearly got his eye on the future – I’ve enjoyed watching him grow as a leader as Vice Director and then Director of the ARRL Hudson Division, tirelessly working to bring youth into ham radio through hacking and STEAM events. His enthusiasm for the hobby is infectious, and he has proven himself to be a solid personal and professional ally amid my journey into ham radio. I am grateful to know him and am happy for anyone who gets to learn from and collaborate with him.
Rosy Schechter - KJ7RYV
Written on behalf of myself, and no other organization or entity
Ed Wilson is one of those rare people who turns obstacle into opportunity. He has the ability connect people and resources to achieve a vision. Through his leadership, he has extended the boundaries of ham radio to include other communities of interest. This increases the number of potential new amateur radio operators, while rekindling the interest and involvement of existing hams. The result: successful membership growth and retention.
Dr John Mishler - N3JWM
Emergency coordinator, Town of Brookhaven Amateur Radio Emergency Services
Having been licensed for over 47 years as an Amateur Radio operator I have met many really nice folks and have made many lifelong friends. Having served for many years now as the ENY Section Manager I have had the pleasure to travel up and down the fifteen counties in our section visiting clubs, helping with little issues here and there, speaking about issues and concerns while enjoying the camaraderie. I have found that there are certain people that go above and beyond simply being a member of a club. These people are the ones that volunteer to keep our hobby great. Ed Wilson N2XDD, our Hudson Division Director is one such person. I first met Ed as vice director at one of the many hamfests in Eastern New York. Over the past couple years Ed has made the effort to attend pretty much every hamfest, lots of club meetings not to mention traveling many miles visiting clubs on Field Day. One of the first things Ed asked me is what can he do to help make my job easier. We have had several discussions about ARRL policies, and he has clarified some of the concerns I have heard from members of the ARRL. In speaking with hams in the section, many have commented on the effort Ed is making getting to know everyone. I have not heard a single negative comment. When Ed moved up to serving as Hudson Division Director because Nomar Vizcarrondo NP4H had to step down for personal reasons, he asked me for any nominations for vice-director. I commented that it had been 40+ years since anyone in the ENY Section had held a Division position. I told him that many folks felt we were always getting passed over even though we have several outstanding hams capable of serving at the Division level. I made my recommendation for that position. Well, Ed listened, and we now have a vice director in Eastern NY. It shows that Ed listens to our concerns and is willing to make a good decision to better the hobby. So, without further comment I gladly wish to endorse Ed Wilson N2XDD for re-election in November. I know he will continue to do an outstanding job. Please join me in voting for Ed once the voting begins. You MUST be an ARRL member in good standing by September 6 (!) 2024. Ballots will go out on October 1 st and you have until mid-November to get your ballot in. Let’s keep Ed in office!
Vry 73 de
John Fritze - K2QY
ENY Section Manager
Ed's forward-thinking vision and participation in amateur radio has been a great natural fit with my students. Ed regularly leads student testing sessions, donates equipment to student projects, promotes the growth of and connection between clubs of all ages and interests, showcases his commitment to staying current in the hobby, and demonstrates the relevance of amateur radio applications in STEM careers. Through Ed's leadership, we went from NOTHING to over 100 licensed students, the founding of an active student-run club, WS1THS, and the personal growth of many individuals, including myself, in a little over a year. Ed is always just a phone call away and I look forward to working with him to solidify the future of amateur radio!
Everton Henriques - KD2ZZT
Ed brings to the role of Director, a background in leadership. In addition is technical savvy and operating skills put him in an ideal position to understand the needs of the radio operators. He listens to what you have to say and tries to make sure that he attends as many Division functions as possible. Easy to work with and will be an asset to the division.
Rich Centron - K2KNB
President, LIMARC
I find Ed’s vision for the future of amateur radio is spot on, and this vision is sorely needed on the ARRL Board of Directors. Ed is a tireless worker for our hobby. His first reaction is always, “What can I do to help?” With those two things in mind, I hope you’ll agree that Ed is the right choice for Hudson Division Director.
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
As Vice Director, Ed's commitment and passion for the hobby are evident. He is working to bring the local clubs together for common activities and goals. His outreach to the maker community as well as ongoing efforts to incorporate STEM learning activities is creating opportunities for growth in the hobby and bringing new participants to the local clubs. I support Ed Wilson for Division Director so he can continue to expand and build on these programs.
Stu Cohen - AF2SC
Vice President, Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club.
Ed Wilson N2XDD has been a strong presence in amateur radio throughout the ARRL’s Hudson Division, which he has served as assistant director.
His dedication to amateur radio has been evident in his involvement in so many clubs’ events, meetings and Field Day activations -- including those of the Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, of which I am president.
Ed’s outreach is strong and committed in getting people involved in amateur radio. I have known Ed for seven years and believe he would make an outstanding Hudson Director. We need more people like him.
John Melfi - W2HCB
President Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, Emergency Coordinator for the Town of Babylon and District Emergency Coordinator of Suffolk County
I'm a newly licensed ham and have only been in the hobby for 3 years. I truly enjoy this great hobby and only wish I had found it much earlier. However, despite many of my ham friends encouraging me to join the ARRL, I never did. That's until I met Ed Wilson.
We first met on the air and after that I would run into him every hamfest I went to. Each time we would have great conversations about the hobby and the work he is doing in our local ham community. I realized just how involved and dedicated Ed is in his leadership role for our division. I was particularly impressed about his focus on getting youngsters interested in the hobby with our local schools in the NYC area since I have kids of my own that age. Inspired by the great work Ed is doing, I finally joined the ARRL. I also made contributions to a scholarship program in the Northeast HamXposition that took place recently in Massachusetts which I attended.
I would love to see Ed continue with his leadership role as the director of the Hudson Division. It's a great feeling to know there are good people fighting a good fight for us in this wonderful hobby.
Vince - AD2MM